Please note, since writing this article on cleaning white vinyl boat seats, I have found an even better solution which provides stunning results each and every time like the ones you see below.

cleaning the boat with the spray

CLR mold and mildew remover can get very quick results as you can see.

To find out how you can get your white vinyl boat seats looking as clean as the ones you see above, this read this cleaning guide.

Cleaning white vinyl boat seats

When riding in a boat, clean white seats and well-maintained equipment make the experience much better. However, this is not always the case, especially when the seats are white. In order to prolong the quality, regular cleaning is an absolute must.

How do you clean white vinyl boat seats?

There are several different ways to clean white vinyl boat seats. You can use homemade solutions or even buy a commercial-grade cleaner with added strength if your boat needs it.

All boat owners can attest to the hassle that comes with having dirty white seats, which is something that deters a lot of people from keeping them.

While it can be an annoying task, cleaning this equipment does not have to be as difficult as it seems. With the help of the tips in this article, your white vinyl seats will be squeaky clean once again.

Why you should keep your white vinyl seats clean?

Cleaning boat seats is very important and should be done regularly for the purposes of maintaining proper hygiene and the value of your boat.

If you choose to have white vinyl seats, then it is all the more important to do so because the white material gets stained easily, and no one wants to sit on seats stained with mildew!

White vinyl boat seat covers are very pretty to look at but are rather tough to maintain. Owners have to be vigilant about regular cleaning and immediate repairs if there is severe damage.

Depending on the size of your boat, cleaning can be either quick or arduous. If you were setting out to clean a bigger boat, it would be best to enlist the help of your friends or professionals.

To guide boat owners and captains, here are some dos and don’ts when cleaning white vinyl boat seats.

Cleaning tips

  • Put away any personal items that might get damaged by soap and water.
  • Use mild cleaners that are specially made for white vinyl boat seats. You can find these at supplies stores. You can also make a homemade version as well.
  • Clean regularly and thoroughly!
  • At the end of each cleaning session, wipe the seats properly, making sure that you do not leave any residue. Leftover residue may cause more damage, as it will become breeding ground for fungus and bacteria.
  • Be mindful of the condition of your white vinyl boat seats. Always check to see if it is still in good shape or if it needs minor repairs.

Things to avoid

  • Use bleach, ammonia or any cleaners that contain those ingredients. The harsh chemicals can damage the material and speed up the deterioration of the vinyl.
  • Take long breaks in between cleanings. As much as possible, do a thorough clean of the white seats after every trip to remove surface stains and prevent any buildup on the surface and in corners.
  • Ignore minor damage on the white vinyl seat covers. Since it is white, stains and dirt are more apparent.

Cleaning material options

There are many options to use as cleaning materials. When you go into a boat supplies store, you may find options at various price points. However, be wary of the ingredients that these cleaners include as some of them may do more harm than good.

  • DIY cleaning solution
  • Soap and water
  • Alcohol-free wipes
  • Vinyl cleaner
  • UV Protectant
cleaning the boat with the spray

CLR mold and mildew remover can get very quick results as you can see.

To find out how you can get your white vinyl boat seats looking as clean as the ones you see above, this read this cleaning guide.

Many boat owners actually make their own cleaner. This is a cost-effective option and they are able to make sure that the ingredients are safe to use for their white vinyl boat seats.

Vinyl is usually easy to clean because it does not absorb dirt and water. All it would usually need is a thorough wipe down. For the purposes of regular cleaning, you can use a basic cleaner.

Efforts to clean while vinyl boat seat have one common goal: prevent mildew and preserve the color and quality of the material. A basic cleaner for white vinyl boat seats has the following ingredients: water and mild soap. Mix both, and you have a cleaner!

The trick to taking care of the white vinyl boat seat is to do it regularly. Clean it after every trip and every week, if possible. Maintain a regular cleaning schedule. Make sure to stock up on alcohol-free wipes for spot cleaning.

When cleaning using a homemade cleaner, use a sponge to spread the mixture on the surface. Scrub it down gently to breakdown any stains. Afterwards, rinse it with water. Make sure that you are able to wipe away all the soap and water, especially in the corners. Leaving any residue might cause more damage.

For the purposes of deep cleaning, you can use the homemade solution as the first step and then proceed with the vinyl cleaner. These vinyl boat seat cleaners have a more potent mix of cleaning ingredients. Just make sure to choose one that does not contain bleach and ammonia.

For additional protection you may use UV protectant. While the marine vinyl has some UV protection, you can certainly add more. You can find these at supply stores. Continuous exposure to seawater and sunlight can badly damage seats. This just adds another layer of protection for the white vinyl boat seats.

Restoring Vinyl Boat Seats

Even after you’ve cleaned and tried to maintain a boat well, damages may still occur due to natural reasons. In the case of the seats, continuous use, lack of proper maintenance and the deterioration of the seat material due to age will commonly occur.

Vinyl is a usually good option to use as boat seat material because it is durable, easy to clean and looks good if maintained well. There are two types of vinyl that can be used as boat seat material: regular and marine grade. While both types have a lot of similarities, marine grade vinyl has a few extra special features.

Marine grade vinyl is preferred, as boat seat material because it is a material that is designed to withstand the harsh conditions that is has to endure when it is out on a ride. It has some sun protection to prevent the color from fading and anti-bacterial and antifungal features to protect against mildew.

It might be surprising to you, but marine-grade vinyl is also quite thick. It is usually 0.06 to 1.55 mm thick. This thickness determines the durability and the price of the vinyl. However, there are some types of marine vinyl that have quality but are not as thick and could wear down more easily.

When it comes to minor damage to white vinyl boat seats, these problems can be managed by painting over the cracks and scratches. However, there will still come a time when the seats will have to be replaced due to frequent damages and repairs.

Fully replacing vinyl boat seats can be quite costly if you are going to replace all seat covers at once. The process of restoration is a much easier process.

Restoration is usually done if the damage to the vinyl boat seats is quite extensive. You have the option to have professionals do it for you, or you can learn how todo it yourself.

Restorations may involve replacement of vinyl in a select area only. You can also do a full restoration if absolutely needed. To restore vinyl seats on your own, follow the steps outlined below.

What you need to do

  1. Remove the vinyl seat cover from the cushion.
  2. Measure the dimensions of each piece of fabric.
  3. Purchase replacement vinyl boat seat covers following the pattern and dimension of your old vinyl boat seat cover. Add about 7 inches to each side for allowance.
  4. When the fabric arrives, measure out the fabric on the areas where you will place it.
  5. Use an industrial grade stapler to secure the vinyl in place.

As you can see, there are tons of ways to clean white vinyl boat seats and bring back the shine that they once had. Contrary to the popular belief that white seats should not be purchased, you can keep them clean with an easy routine and enjoy your boat as intended.

Related questions

Are there cleaning ingredients that are not supposed to be used on vinyl boat seats?

When it comes to choosing vinyl boat seat cleaner, you have to choose cleaners to do not have bleach and ammonia. While using bleach and ammonia will make your vinyl boat seats seem squeaky clean at first, these harsh ingredients will damage the material of the seat cover.

Are all boat seats made of vinyl?

There are boat seats that are made of canvas materials instead of vinyl. There are also many different types of vinyl to choose from. When it comes to choosing the right material for your boat, there are a lot of options! Each material has their pros and cons, so it would be good to determine your needs first.

cleaning the boat with the spray

CLR mold and mildew remover can get very quick results as you can see.

To find out how you can get your white vinyl boat seats looking as clean as the ones you see above, this read this cleaning guide.